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By the end of the Le Wagon’s bootcamp I came across the information that école 42 was about to open in São Paulo, Brazil. It would be the first in Latin America and one of the bootcamp teacher studied in the Sillicon Valley one. He told be how challenging it would be and how it works without teachers or studying material. I was curious about it, I got accepted to attend the Pool and as I was on a programming learning streak of the bootcamp I went for it. I can say now that was one of the most amazing experiences I ever had.
For context, the Pool, has this name because they teach you coding like teaching people to swim by just dropping them into a pool and letting them figure out how to do it. The onboarding was so nice and the daily challenges in a list was very nice to engage. As I already had some previous experience was very enlightning to learn with the other participants and socialize as the Pool went by. I’ve learned in depht about shell scripting and other cli tools like awk and grep. By the end of the pool I started doing some C programming but very superficially.
I was accepted to be a cadet, how they refer to the students, and ended up moving to São Paulo to attend. I was doing freelancing projects and working as teacher assistant at Le Wagon. Everything was running smoothly but little did I know that right after renting and buying furniture that this crazy news about a virus spreading across the globe, named COVID-19, would strike hard everyone’s plan. One of the core principle of 42 education is peer-to-peer learning and exchange of information, specially in person. As the COVID kept on get serious the entire ecosystem was moved to online. Since I couldn’t socialize in isolation and was coding the entire day, this sudden online approach became very hard for me to follow. Learning C was also not very helpful since I was developing systems with higher level languages and ended up dropping out. I still wish to return someday to finish this amazing program, and now with AI powered coding I wonder how much more I could get out of their education.