This project is not currently deployed. Github source code link.
I’ve participated in this project as a Vértice member. The institute need a remote learning platform and chose to develop it from scracht. The chosen archteture was the backend in Node with Graphql as the API interface, the fronted with React and everything containerized with Docker. This time I had the opportunity to work with Renan again, who did the frontend. The project unfortunately never was put in production. Recentenly I was approach to do some volunteer work to deploy the old code up again so the project could carry on.
I helped in the decision making process to pick the archteture, developed the entire backend and deployment. I really like the unopionated nature of Node in contrast with Rails. Pick and choosing the libraries was a interesting process as well, made me really to learn more about software archteture. I even consider working more in this role in the future.
The deployment process was laborious and unconfortable, as I had to learn nginx and deal a lot with the VPS. I’ve learned a lot and the new deployment strategie I chose for the new request to put the old cold back up again, will be more with container registrie and per container deployment instead of a virtual machine.