Le Wagon
Le Wagon
Rails Bootcamp
This project is not currently deployed. Github source code link
Le Wagon is a french coding bootcamp that teaches full stack app development with Ruby on Rails. It’s quite well known, award winner, have branches all over the globe and a big community of ex-student. It starts with pure ruby coding logic and slowly builds up knowledge with Sinatra simple web server, SQL usage and HTML/CSS coding. When everything is put together with Rails the understanding of the underhood is very interesting. Before attending the bootcamp, I was already watching a lot of YouTube coding tutorials but the immersive nature of the bootcamp made everything easier to understand afterwards.
The bootcamp consist of early in the day a class of what the daily topic followed by a day long challenges to solve. Everyday you are assigned to a new partner and you learn a lot by pair programming. There is also the teach and a teach assistant that make small roadblocks a learning lesson of how to overcome it. This support also avoids making the begining of learning how to code frustrating as it was with YouTube coding tutorials. Most of the roadblocks are some sort OS related bug that beginners don’t have the knowledge to solve and the bootcamp allows you focus on the challenges. By the end of the day there is a live coding session that is very interesting to see other people to think out loud. Simply genious teaching metodology.
The final weeks are reserved to develop a full project with other students. This part put everything you learned together and makes you relize how much you have learned. My project was deployed at Heroku and hosted at Github. It was called Night Roulette, a app to randomize your next destiny in a new city, based on you preferences. It should also call a Uber and only letting you know where you are going before arriving there. The Uber API integration wasn’t possible to be done but everything else worked and was a great experience.