Mana Capital

Simple web interface that never got its’ backend

mana capital print 1 Currently deployed at This project has no source code available.

presentation My first payed code after changing career from economist to developer. I was learning by watching YouTube videos, specially Brad Traversy, and then I freelance job appeared by recomended by someone that I don’t remember anymore. The project was to develop a platform for people to invest with robot traders. I don’t remember much of the rest of the pitch. The sensation of getting paied to code changed everything for me since I was used to do some Excel VBA programming and simple websites for myself.

my reponsabilities I ended up using one tutorial to develop the entire interface with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. In the end the project didn’t follow through and I never got to start implementing the backend. Thinking back now I think it was for the best, I didn’t have the proper knowledge to tackle this project back then.

~~deployment ~~ The deployment was straight foward, easy and free at Netlify. I had to learn how to do it since it was my first time, but not much a of challenge.